"; window.print(); document.body.innerHTML = oldPage; } Dozens of MetraGator Expansion Joints Find Their Way Into Orange County – Metraflex
A Dozen MetraGator Expansion Joints Find Their Way Into Orange County Convention Center
The Orlando Convention Center during its expansion.

Phase V - The Attack of the MetraGators

Engineers for the Orange County Convention Center retrofit project, Phase V, chose MetraGators over other expansion joints, installing them throughout the engineered piping system.

A facility of this size has extremely long runs of heating and cooling water piping for the building comfort systems. MetraGators are the perfect joints for these large commercial systems.

Compact and maintenance-free, these joints cost significantly less to install, and easily meet the needs specified by the project engineers.

The Orlando Convention Center during its expansion.
MetraGators were found to be the perfect joints for these large commercial systems.
Although usually not necessary, a drain valve can be installed on the gator’s “belly”.
This 24″ Gator installed prior to completion of the buildings structural steel. These temporary restraints will allow the pressure testing of this section to keep piping on schedule.
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