seismic pipe hanger
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seismic hanger
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seismic pipe hanger
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seismic hanger
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Seismic BreakAway Hanger


The Seismic BreakAway Hanger is another Metraflex innovation that makes the toughest seismic applications work. The Seismic BreakAway Hanger will support your seismic device (Metraloop, Fireloop, V-Loop, or Dog Leg) until a seismic event.  During a seismic event, the SBH…

Product Description

Product Highlights

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Product Description

The Seismic BreakAway Hanger is another Metraflex innovation that makes the toughest seismic applications work.

The Seismic BreakAway Hanger will support your seismic device (Metraloop, Fireloop, V-Loop, or Dog Leg) until a seismic event.  During a seismic event, the SBH will release and allow the seismic device complete freedom of movement.  After the seismic event you can simply reset the pin (inspect the seismic device) and you are ready for the next seismic event.

Why you need a Seismic BreakAway Hanger.

1. Hanger rod is to short. The hanger rod for a seismic device needs to be two times the seismic movement or a minimum of 12” long.  If the hanger rod is to short, it will act as a trapeze during a seismic event causing the seismic device to hit the structure causing damage to both seismic device and structure.

2. A common installation for a seismic device is to support the seismic device from one side of the seismic separation. This will result in one leg of the seismic device to be overloaded while the other side remains static.  With the Seismic BreakAway Hanger, both legs of the seismic devise will work evenly, the way they were designed.

3. Any seismic device installed vertically will require a Seismic BreakAway Hanger, otherwise the seismic device could be pulled apart in a seismic event.

Product Highlights

  • Ensures free movement of the seismic joint during seismic event
  • Can be reset after seismic event
  • Cable tether available when needed
  • Available in different weights and are sized per loop.
  • Noncorrosive body insures long life.

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Spec Sheet


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Metraflex Seismic BreakAway Hanger Sizing Chart

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Loop Size Loop Movement
+/-4″ +/-8″ +/-16″ +/-24″
0.5″ N/A N/A SBH65 SBH65
0.75″ N/A N/A SBH65 SBH65
1″ N/A N/A SBH65 SBH65
1.25″ N/A N/A SBH65 SBH65
1.5″ N/A N/A SBH65 SBH65
2″ N/A N/A SBH65 SBH80
2.5″ N/A SBH80 SBH80 SBH130
3″ SBH80 SBH80 SBH130 SBH130
4″ SBH130 SBH130 SBH130 SBH200
5″ SBH130 SBH130 SBH200 SBH400
6″ SBH200 SBH200 SBH400 SBH400
8″ SBH400 SBH650 SBH650 SBH650
10″ SBH650 SBH725 SBH1000 SBH1000
12″ SBH1000 SBH1000 SBH1500 SBH1500


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What is a Seismic BreakAway Hanger?

The BreakAway Hanger is an engineered release mechanism for the Fireloop®/seismic expansion joint. It releases the seismic joint to move through its full rated motion during a seismic event.

How does it work?

The BreakAway Hanger is designed to support the Fireloop® seismic expansion joint during its service life and “break-apart” at a preset load. The ball plunger design precisely sets the load for release and can be reset after activation. The preset load is typically 1.4-1.5 times the static weight of the Fireloop® seismic expansion joint. You can watch a video demonstrating the BreakAway Hanger.

Is the BreakAway Hanger UL or FM listed?

Both UL and FM have stated there is currently no test protocol for this innovative new product. Currently the BreakAway Hanger falls under 2013 NFPA 13 section 1.7 “New Technology”. The BreakAway Hanger supports the seismic joint and only releases during an earthquake.

How is the BreakAway Hanger different from a hanger?

A hanger is designed to support the dead weight of the water filled pipe. The BreakAway Hanger is designed to support the Fireloop® seismic expansion joint and “release” during a seismic event, to allow the Fireloop® to move during an earthquake. After the event, the BreakAway Hanger can be reset and support the Fireloop® until the next seismic event.

Have Metraflex’s installation instructions changed, replacing the threaded rod support with the BreakAway Hanger?

Metraflex still recommends using the threaded rod as support where the installation has enough clearance for a minimum 12″ rod, which is the required length for +/- 4″ movement seismic joint. For Fireloop® seismic expansion joints with larger rated movements you are required to install a longer rod.

What if I don’t have enough clearance for the length of threaded rod required to allow full-rated movement?

Use the BreakAway Hanger. The BreakAway Hanger has a very short dimension to allow for very tight installations. During a seismic event it will activate to allow the full-rated movement.

Should I retrofit the BreakAway Hanger where installations use a threaded rod for support?

We recommend retrofitting a BreakAway Hanger only where the threaded rod is too short to allow full-rated movement of the seismic expansion joint.

How much seismic joint movement is needed in order to consider using a BreakAway Hanger?

Seismic joint installations should allow the joint to have its full-rated movement. The greater the rated movement, the longer the hangers and threaded rod need to be to get this amount of movement. The BreakAway Hanger should be used when there is insufficient room for support(s) to be long enough and give the seismic joint its full-rated movement. The BreakAway Hanger will allow an installation to achieve the full-rated movement even if hangers are too short. The BreakAway Hanger eliminates the need for a long threaded rod.

How do I prevent very long flexible legs from sagging?

Metraflex offers support saddles to keep the long, flexible legs of a seismic expansion joint from sagging, eliminating the need to design costly custom supports.

How do I know which BreakAway Hanger model I need?

BreakAway Hangers are sized based on Metraflex Fireloop® seismic expansion joint sizes/weights. Simply tell us your Fireloop® joint’s size and movement and we’ll provide the correct BreakAway Hanger. A sizing chart is also available, along with a video showing how the BreakAway Hanger works. BreakAway Hangers can be designed for Fireloop® seismic expansion joints with larger movements.

How do I prevent a very large Fireloop® seismic expansion joint from moving too much when the BreakAway Hanger is activated?

An optional cable tether is available which supports Fireloop® seismic expansion joint after the BreakAway Hanger has been activated. The cable tether allows full-rated movement while at the same time supporting the large seismic joint.

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